

My second Mom

You’ve shown me a Mother’s love
Is truly like no other
You can always get me to smile
At least for a while
Mum, I hope we are always
Close like we are now
Cause whenever I am down
I know you will be there
You are always there
You always care
I love you
Simply for who you are
You call me Your Lil Angel
I call you my mum
I hope you always know
You’re in my heart always
In my thoughts forever
On any day


This is a poem for the lady I call my second mom.
She is ALWAYS there if I need to talk.
My real mom hardly ever says anything about the bullies who mess with me but Shilpa,My second mom, Always does. She is proud of my poetry while to my birth mom, I stand in my brothers shadow. He graduated top of his High school class while this year my grades are D's and C's. She never talks about my poetry and hardly ever reads it even when I ask her to read my newest 20 or so poems of the week.
Shilpa however asks if she can read a newest poem whenever she thinks of it

She may not be my birth mom, But shilpa Mehta will forever be my second mom and I will forever call her Mum


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