
Our Time Now

Native Voice

This is our time now...
No longer history.
We have made it this far...
By God’s Grace and splendid glory.
We bow our heads down, for the tribes that are no more...
Whom traveled trails of tears....
of culture trespassers abhorred.
This is our time now.
The reservation is our heart.
Even when we leave it.....
Or generational seeds planted, far a part.
We spread out like wild....
fires in the trees....
Carrying in our hearts ancestral keys.
Unlocking doors to earned privilege,
That really was our right.
We have not lost our truth, and fight...
We kept them both in sight.
This is our time now.....
This world will hear us talk,
with rawhide drums, and voices,
Singing battle cries, hearing melodic bells as we walk.
We never gave up, the war on our turf....
God always sees clearly, what happens on His earth.
Books have tried to silence us,
Teach children through cartoons.
We waited for this moment, for many many moons.
We finally have the chance to speak, to sing and share.
We are not only our dancing, our pow wows and braided hair.
We are human and we are strong.
We are gentle and we are kind.
We are the works of art that rested gently in God’s mind.
This our time now...
In solidarity we stand.
This is our time now.....
We are rising up from our land.
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