Four collier lads from Ebbw Vale Took shelter from a shower of hail… And there beneath a spreading tree Attuned their mouths to harmony. With smiling joy on every face
All saints revile her, and all sob… Ruled by the God Apollo’s golden… In scorn of which we sailed to fin… In distant regions likeliest to ho… Whom we desired above all things t…
For me, the naked and the nude (By lexicographers construed As synonyms that should express The same deficiency of dress Or shelter) stand as wide apart
Frowning over the riddle that Dan… Down through the mist hung garden,… The King of Persia walked: oh, th… His mind was webbed with a grey sh… Here for the pride of his soaring…
A purple whale Proudly sweeps his tail Towards Nineveh; Glassy green Surges between
When outside the icy rain Comes leaping helter—skelter, Shall I tie my restive brain Snugly under shelter? Shall I make a gentle song
Children are dumb to say how hot t… How hot the scent is of the summer… How dreadful the black wastes of e… How dreadful the tall soldiers dru… But we have speech, to chill the a…
Back from the Somme two Fusiliers Limped painfully home; the elder s… S. “Robert, I’ve lived three thou… This Summer, and I’m nine parts d… R. “But if that’s truly so,” I cr…
Grey haunted eyes, absent-mindedly… From wide, uneven orbits; one brow… Somewhat over the eye Because of a missile fragment stil… Skin-deep, as a foolish record of…
Sing baloo loo for Jenny And where is she gone? Away to spy her mother’s land, Riding all alone. To the rich towns of Scotland,
His eyes are quickened so with gri… He can watch a grass or leaf Every instant grow; he can Clearly through a flint wall see, Or watch the startled spirit flee
As Jesus and his followers Upon a Sabbath morn Were walking by a wheat field They plucked the ears of corn. They plucked it, they rubbed it,
She tells her love while half asle… In the dark hours, With half—words whispered low: As Earth stirs in her winter slee… And put out grass and flowers
Why have such scores of lovely, gi… Married impossible men? Simple self—sacrifice may be ruled… And missionary endeavour, nine tim… Repeat “impossible men”: not merel…
On her shut lids the lightning fli… Thunder explodes above her bed, An inch from her lax arm the rain… Discrete she lies, Not dead but entranced, dreamlessl…