
When Religion Crumbled

When Religion Crumbled

The sun with its searing smile had melted away the cold darkness that covered up the rubble that was once magnificent temples erected from the sweat of pride.  Each structure represented a different set of beliefs that were to be the one and only religion that would take us to the Kingdom of Heaven.
From the crumbling pillars, a phantom arose from the ashes with scornful eyes.  As it spoke, its melodic piercing voice sounded like trumpets of valor.
“Man is God’s creation.
Religion is man’s creation.
Love is religion’s consecration.”
Then after it spoke, it ascended into the skies.  I saw and heard nothing but the silence mingling with open spaces.  I sat upon a rock and meditated upon the words that I couldn’t utter, but words that graced my heart.  I was reassured that my feelings were in line with what I understood being spoken by the phantom.  
I ran home, found my pen and parchment, and starting writing these words.
“Religion is no arena where combatants fight until the bitter end.  It is a non-selective universal spirit that penetrates every living soul and stops before no one.  It monitors all our thoughts and deeds and dissolves all our prejudices.  Then when religion departs, it leaves only the love of God behind in our hearts.  Religion is like the preface to the Book of Love.  It introduces us to its contents.  As long as it remains to be only an introduction it finds its rightful place.  It is its own separate entity.”
“Religion is the key that
Opens the gateway to love
That spirals up to Heaven.”

From the book entitled, "A Sage's Diary."

Otras obras de Robert L. Martin...
