

In life’s grand tapestry, we find the Choir,
A testament to joy, a heart’s desire.
Inevitable, like seasons’ gentle flow,
They sing of happiness, in harmonious glow.
Infirmity and illness may often claim,
Yet within their voices, happiness’s flame.
Disability may challenge, but they rise,
With spirits unbound, reaching for the skies.
Not all is destined, predetermined fate,
For happiness is more than mere debate.
The Montreal Shira Choir, a shining light,
Embraces virtue, in their hearts ignite.
It’s not in GDP or governance’s might,
But in the way we live, in day and night.
Kant’s categorical call, a noble quest,
In duty and autonomy, they find their best.
Plato and Aristotle, ancient sages wise,
Sought happiness within, beneath the skies.
Principles upheld, a steadfast creed,
They found contentment in every deed.
Socrates, in simplicity, did believe,
Happiness was found when less we receive.
The Choir, a testament to this truth profound,
In their voices, inner tranquility is found.
In this common thread, philosophy’s embrace,
The Choir finds their purpose and their grace.
With Kant, Plato, and Socrates as their guide,
In their harmonies, happiness resides.
So let us join in their uplifting song,
For in their voices, we all belong.
The Montreal Shira Choir, a radiant choir,
They teach us happiness, a burning fire.

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