

—sui cædere… To make way for grief
A kiss neither betrayed nor swore allegiance
To king or crown, a terrible dinner
Upon which looks the lord on down —
Don’t cry on my shoulder,
Don’t lean on or stare at it,
It too, for I just as you has
It gone callous, or
It is too much to bear so
Don’t get put off if you’ve fallen
Don’t expect a veil or lending hand
It takes no pity, doesn’t glimpse at
It, pain or death, immanence from
It, for it —proceeding to [your own] skull
Don’t you die there!
Don’t you [try to] die on me
—(Just put it off! Don’t do it!
Veronica is secretly laughing!)


(Chenrezig, or Avalokites[h]vara, is the bodhisattva of compassion, the "Lord who looks down" upon the suffering of the world, from his lofty throne of enlightenment... Before Christ's crucifixion on Golgatha, Saint Veronica offers the Son of God her compassion in the form of a veil...)

#Avalokitesvara #Bodhisattva #Chenrezig #MysticismReligion #StVeronica

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