
Joanie of Mine

Howling at the moon
Young and full of lust and love
Will this road hold home for good
The only teller is time itself
My dear Joanie made of stars come dance with me
The true breath I breathe
If you could only conceive I don’t deceive
Nothing matters any more
Here we are scarred and broken boned
Driving each other crazy in the maze of the heart
I’m always here to be by your side
Titles matter not
lets not get Caught
Lets become stronger
Your kiss wont leave me be
I became the stumbling man I once knew and forgot
Now I’m in remission
You’re my angle from the west
No matter what or when I’ll give you everything
I promise to be that one
I’ll cross the seas, stars and do anything
If I’m your moon, You’re my sun
Waking with your head next to my mine
and whispering in your ear “I love you”
Watching you chase pigeons and calling out to them
Holding your hand downtown
There is no other place I love more than being next to you
Laying so close and hearing your heart beat
I wouldn’t  trade the world for you
We both can get in the way
A million songs are sung about us
Believe me when I write theses words
You are my only home
My Home
No matter what my best friend I’ll give you everything
I promise never to leave you alone
I’ll cross the seas, stars and do anything
In my heart will always be your home
Your Baby, forever and always
Nickle Pickle
Other works by Saidwhattha (N.G.)...
