
As I am. As I go -

My first step out, i am not what i believe i am
I carry myself to be that which represents where i come from–
I veiled myself in a representation, an announcement of my belief.
An almost silent, unspoken call to people that understand me–
And boy did I come across the gems i knew not o!
This day i call it a lesson. My hejab was not just my protection–
It was my armour that saved me from the trouble of filtration!
I care not for what you think i did or you
This is my space to embrace my becoming.
Who i am and how i carried myself got me my company.
My choices to walk away, to stay and yet say no but be– became my identity.
Respect given is respect earned, if you know how to speak
Compassion and sympathy go a long way when you ignore mistakes for the better of their toll.
Learn to learn from those that are younger than you
For your wisdom is a matter of experience and not age–
Your pursuits and optimism are a direction of your and yours alone in fate
Dont imply your choices on those around you, their struggles are beyond your understanding.
Somedays a nodding company is preferred over a solution seeking mind.
Somedays the heart is louder in pain to beg you to shut your brain!
Lift yourself out of that space, eat that cake and come back to bed– kneel! Pray before you sleep.
Flight mode on for a few days.
One year be gone, people came and left–
My hejab is on only a few days, my modesty stays.
I am more me than i was day one,
And if you still know me, know i chose to let you in.
You are a resultant filtrate of a silent experimentation.
And it’ll be so. As i am, as i go-

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