

remember that little detail that almost slipped out?
But then i told you that it was nothing, and never told you about it..
today i saw the picture again, that reminded me of why
why i wanted that detail in the first place.
it was unnecessary, maybe all of it. You know–
me almost telling you, but then not telling you.
Maybe me doing it or thinking of it in the first place.
But it was something. I guess i’ll always wonder,
what those two minutes would’ve been like if that
little detail went as i intended for it to.
So remember how I said I wanted to, i planned to–
pick you up from the airport that day, well i had a plan.
I dont know if you yet understand, how much i love flowers
it can get a little creepy, the obsession, the gazillion photographs
the flower picking, the pressed flowers, the dried flowers..
I have a simple idea of what it is to show true affection,
you share with someone, that which brings happiness to you.
Of the littlest of things, that pass through the mundane of your everyday,
When you pause, and you look at that thing and feel the urge,
to want to share that with someone who you’d wish to see smile
the way you do, every time your mundane gives comfort to you.
That gesture is a true sign of affection to me.
For me, they were the bushes of pink roses on the campus.
The ones that lasted a little off season, even into the snow.
They bloomed by the end of spring, and stayed till the snow.
when everything changed, or died or disappeared to twigs.
Those, not red, but a beautiful shade of pink into crimson
They made me smile, as a symbol of something that stayed the same.
So as i came to the airport, i wanted to bring you one of them,
them delicate, off season, sort of red roses– i wanted to get you a flower.
I did, but not the same. But that was the plan. If i were to execute it timely.
But i am the worst at being on time, maybe you’ll pick up on that soon.
for some reason though, after a point it felt meaningless to share this with you–
the thing about me though, is that i cannot keep things to myself.
So my dear, i wanted to give you a rose as you came to meet me
and now i’ll never know what look would overtake your expressive face
but i’ll sleep believing you would’ve loved it, maybe kept it.
that would’ve been my token, my gesture, to let you know
i’d do what i can, to see you smile the way you do,
When the smile reflects through your eyes,
And speakes in unspoken words, words that I’ll never know, but somehow they speak just enough.

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