
Lost Butterfly

Hi, one day
I approached you
and the next you said good bye
like a “butterfly” you took flight.
I always tried to hide
from the pain,
but there are memories
that I want again
Like text all night,
until the sunlight dawns
you are my lost butterfly.
I, I stay and followed you on that day,
but you always get me out the way
and no matter how the fuck we are
we always back and said
“Come on baby
come on baby,
please kiss me  back”
And please teach me again
the sweet things we made
you were that lost butterfly

(de mis canciones preferidas, con unas frases memorables.. que inicie escribiendo para una persona en especifico, pero que al final evoluciono en otra persona, porque sus recuerdos se interpusieron sobre los otros y los de la otra persona no me daban para completar toda la canción...)

#amor #artist #english #inocencia #letra #letra #lindo #love #lyrics #música #músico #niño #poema #rosa #ternura

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