
Utopian Dystopia

We’re going to have a tryst in Utopia
Upon holding your hand, I’ll insist in Utopia
No waiting rooms, or anticipating bad news,
No dealing with misogynists in Utopia.
No crippling comparisons, no lurking for likes,
The dark side of the internet won’t exist in Utopia
No vices as props to the burden of living,
You won’t need narcotics for bliss in Utopia
Amor, Almighty, Ares, Allah
Who cares if you are a theist in Utopia
A sparkling promise of unparalleled peace
True happiness without a twist in Utopia
The gnawing voice in your head now dead
No faint white scars on your wrist in Utopia
Relentless joy and incessant laughter
Will pain really be unmissed in Utopia?
No tears Princess, no blood no sweat,
Can the human experience persist in Utopia?

Other works by Sarah Grace...
