
Hard to breathe

My feelings wrap themselves so tightly around my soul and brings tears to my eyes when I turn to go They squeeze so tight it’s hard to breathe
If I had the choice I would never leave
As my love for you deepens
My very core grows in strength though my heart continues to weaken
Do you even know how it feels to hold your head in my arms
Like holding something so precious a privilege, protecting it from harm
Burying my nose in your hair
Breathing in your scent
In my head saying a prayer
That you will find peace in your sleep that you will sleep well And deep
Last night when you put my head on my shoulder
I was afraid to turn over
In case I woke you
And I loved holding you there watching you
As gorgeous with your eyes closed as you are with them open
The only thing that stops me from falling apart when I walk away
Is when I can see you the very next day
Although there’s a lot to say about keeping busy
Filling my time trying to occupy my mind
But being without you still makes me dizzy
So I’m not sure how I survived over a week and a half away from you
You never left my mind for a second
Even though I had plenty to do
I am never complete unless I am by your side
And when I am I see the beauty in everything and my eyes are always open wide
Otras obras de Scarlett. L. Davies...
