
Ridiculously Stunning

To look at he is rediculously  stunning
He Turns many a head when he passes people by
A look that causes
Mixed tastes
Mixed reactions
But Looking away from him is next to impossible
He is quite obviously Truly Beautiful, inside and out
To be in his presence
Feels with me with awe and majestic bliss
He enchants me and makes me wonder about him, my own self and the universe, all With his eyes
When he is asleep next to me
I feel all these things
Awake or in sleep
He keeps me guessing what’s in his mind
Sometimes I am thinking exactly what he is thinking
And other times his mind is like an impenetrable fortress  
I’m slowly getting there trying to know him like the back of my hand I want to know all about the love of my life and want him to know all of me too.
sometimes he seems complicated but looking at it another way it’s quite simple
But still there is so much to know and to learn about this unexplainable, remarkable other worldly man
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