
The Story Of A Love Unspoken

Your precious charm which I hold in hand, by itself could never stand. It cannot love me the way that you used to, it cannot wipe away the tears that fall because of you. 
The yellow paper with your handwriting has reminded me of how precious “time” can be and how quickly someone can choose to leave. 
I have always been patient, I have always been true, so why is it so hard for you to believe that what I need is you? 
I never asked for anything more than what you have opened your heart for so why have you left me to shame by shutting the door? 
We’ve shared bad, we’ve shared good and we promised each other that we always would. 
I’m an open book waiting to be read so just flip the pages slowly so you understand what’s in my head. 
I wrote my own story of how I’m broken and it ends so sweetly because I added all of the words that have been left unspoken.
I don’t make promises that I don’t intend to keep, so when I say forever, a friend is what I mean. 
If your heart feels the way mine does now, let me prove that I’ll fix it, somehow. 
I know it scares you to let somebody in, so let me help you on where to begin. 
It starts with trust, so please; 
Let me be that friend. 
I promise you something, I’m not playing pretend. I won’t give up on what felt so real and writing about you is the only option you left me for my heart to start to heal. 
If I had the ability to change your mind, I would’ve already done so, so please press rewind. 
For now, I’m pausing our story because stopping it could turn somewhat gory. 
When and if you choose to hit play, you’ll see where we went wrong on that very last day and our story will end different because we finally knew exactly what to say. 
If you don’t come back, don’t ever hit play because a story like ours can have no ending. 
So keep it on pause so when we meet again we can prove to everyone, that we weren’t playing pretend.



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