
Without Mentioning Your Name

You drew me in enough to let you in. 
You told me you loved me but didn’t know where to begin.
You asked me to wait and give it time. 
To watch everything fall into place; but first, you needed time for all of your problems to subside.
You asked for my patience so you could be whole because you didn’t want to lose our friendship or the slightest of hope.
You tell me you’re scared but this time you’ll change. You said I could trust you but you left without feeling remorse of even mentioning my name. 
You told me you’re different because you don’t have the guts; to accept the way that you’re feeling and learning to trust. 
You come back every time that I let you go and I’m beginning to feel that you’ve put my love up for show.
You say that you left me out of fear and that you have always kept your heart very near.
I believe everything you say and again, I’m put back into the same old game.
I trusted every word you spoke but look what you’ve done, now I feel like the joke.
I thought your past that you’ve shared with me, was the best connection as far as I could see.
I’ve made promises to you, you see. So why is it so easy for you to put all the blame on me?
I didn’t let you go. In my heart you’ll always stay but physically you can’t be here because you’ve ruined my heart in every possible way.
I can no longer trust a word you speak. Not even if you whispered it, softly, upon my cheek. 
I’m sorry if you’re filled with regret. Just never forget; it wasn’t your heart that was completely wrecked. 
Don’t come back and try to numb my pain. I’m learning to live my life without remembering your name.
A love like yours can never be true because you cannot be committed to someone you have to subdue.
I thought when I loved someone as strong as I did you; that my worst nightmare would never come true. Now that it has I’ve learned to be stronger because next time this happens, my heart won’t be available for someone to ponder.
So, I thank you; for feeding me lies because you’ve taught me how to forgive and to let my heart fly.
I will never regret you but I’ll keep you close. Because a life without you is teaching us both.
Someday I’ll see you and be able to say, “You’ve helped to prove, my life is worth it because of that day. The day you left without saying goodbye, taught me to move forward without starting to cry.” 
I just hope you feel no hatred because my words were never lies that you have tasted. So don’t ever tell me that you love me because our love for each other has never been the same. Don’t think I can’t love again; You’re teaching me to live, without mentioning your name.



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