
Fathers Day Memories

The father I had was a man among men, but has gone on to be with the Lord
Yet any that knew him still keep him alive, by many he’s loved and adored
The mem’ries of him that I can recall, that most are of back breaking work
To provide all the things that a family needs, his duties did never he shirk
A plumber, a roofer, no fear of a shovel, there was nothing that he wouldn’t do
Firewood, pecans and picking up roots, never hindered by pride that we knew
But of all the professions he mastered so well, that one stands above all the rest
That when the time came to deliver God’s Word, he spoke like a man that’s possessed!
The Truth that came forth would cut to reveal, the sin with which you were infested
If feelings were hurt by the words that he said, then to you I’m sure it was directed
Bold is the word! And zeal is the other! Describing his fervent demeanor!
For Christ was the center of passion for him! His thoughts they could not have been keener.
Now even back then when I was so lost, I knew the import of his teaching
For years after that now my soul is secure, and his Fire into my soul is reaching!
Do what you want friend and speak how you will! Just know that I’m doing the same!
For how things of God will be spoken by me, will reflect all the pow’r of His Name!
I CAN NOT give less than the best of my service, with good reason I pray you see
That out of the depths of the dark miry clay, In love twas that He lifted me!
I can not describe to the ones reading this, of the JOY in these memories given
That on Fathers Day, for the very first time, in my heart I have both Daddy’s livin’



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