
The Narcissist

A Narcissist knows only one kind of love,
the love of self and the desires of a selfish mind
They know not consideration for others at all,
know not how to be compassionate or even kind
What they want, they must have at any cost
Seeing the needs of others is beyond their ken
Given a choice of who to serve, a Narcissist will
choose himself and his comfort again and again
We have become a Narcissistic nation in America
with everyone focused on what they want and need
We have no regard for our brothers, no matter who
We sit by as injustice reigns and people bleed
From where this heinous seed took root and grew
might be from the excesses that flood this nation
We no longer struggle as we once did to survive
so an inward-turning society became a new creation
We build walls to keep struggling families out
so that we do not have to share a bit of our wealth
Psychology says this is ****a feature of mental disorder.****
Our nation is falling into a failure in mental health
At the head of this leap into the abyss is a leader
whose Narcissism knows no bounds or borders
that can be kept in check by a wall of any type or kind
His needs and desires rival that of a million hoarders
Complacency is the enemy, America, good men
who do nothing allow the festering of mighty evil
Soon he may find a reason for the nuclear bombs to fly
Even the good amongst us will be beyond retrieval

My observations are my own - I do not ask anyone to agree or disagree, but to follow the dictates of their heart

Otras obras de Sherry Asbury...
