
Fighting back.

I am a survivor of sexual abuse my poems are of my experiences, thoughts and feelings some other survivors may find these triggering. ♥

Fighting back.
Freedom is a word im not very familiar with, i always wonder will i ever break free from these chains that still remain?
I would just be taking a nap hed come in and then bam i was trapped, hed come over to me holding my mouth so i couldnt scream holding me so tight i struggled to breathe
I would kick and struggle trying to wriggle from hes grubby hands, ild cry but hed stare right through me he Just didnt give a damn
Physically he was stronger but mentally too, from the age of 4 i was terribly groomed, all the lies he told me i was silenced with fear my feelings distorted for 14 years
He said it was a punishment that he loved me it would be okay, then hed make me have sex in every possible way, tell me that i was worthless and if i ever told i wouldnt live to see another day
But then something changed i was given a chance to disgrace hes name, learning i should no longer carry hes shame because i was not to blame
I spoke out making a move to take back my life, fighting back and hoping to protect other children from hes disgusting attacks
He will be locked up and they will throw away the key and maybe after i heal i can begin to feel free, escaping from hes evil twisted ways stopping the cycle of abuse and beginning a new life my way.
