
Growing Old

The day has come, when time has passed
A life so full, so varied so vast
We’ve done thing right, we’ve done thing wrong
But all the time, we held on strong
We stare at pictures form years gone by
Good memories and bad, brings a tear to the eye
Places we once dreamed of, friends we have lost
Of love and fulfillment, opportunity and cost
Now the nights grow shorter, and the days disappear  
We count life on one hand, but we do not fear
I have no guilt or regret for the things we have done
With smiles and great moments, I would change not one
And now with contentment, we sit and hold hands
The passion may fade, but love never lands
I stare at your eyes, now older and wise
I stare past the wrinkles, and see life’s great prize
We know someday soon we will be parted
When Death comes around, our last day started
But death and sadness will never out do
My love, our love, me and you


