
My Humpty Dumpty

To whom it may concern

My humpty dumpty
You are in pieces in a foreign land wanting to come home to rest in peace
You are in pieces along with other pieces that just like you were fighting for our peace
You lie awake at night wiping each other’s tears
Hoping your kidnapper remembers where he hid you
They had colonised our land
colonised your body and created a boarder between us
I always knew once they cut our umbilical cord I would loose you
As I look at these crushed bones they had given back to me
they are not your body where are your brown eyes, your thick lips, your round nose, your afro hair, your dark chocolate brown skin,
all I have is a bit of pieces.
That they claim is you.
I want to see your heart
I want to see it pump blood through your body to your brain so your brain can feel the happiness in your heart and tells your lips to curve
Showing your white teeth
But like your pieces I lie awake with other mothers thinking when shall the kidnapper of my joy will remember where there hid our joy of broken bones
I’m still waiting for you to come home alive and breathing.


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