
The Ex

To: Jake D.

I still smell the scent,
the scent of your cologne.
It makes me unhappy,
what have I done to deserve this?
Your scent lingers on my clothes
and on your clothes that you left,
left behind at my house,
On my floor, I can’t clean it up.
It hurts too much to know
that you are now gone.
Gone for eternity,
because I fucked up so bad.
Your heart belongs to someone else,
someone else that adores you.
You love them,
but the look in your eyes,
it shows unhappiness.
You’re not satisfied with her,
then why are you with her?
The scent controls my body
and thoughts.
I can’t,
I just can’t let you go.
Please come back to me.
Your scent lingers on my clothes,
and on your clothes that you left,
left behind at my house.
Do you really think this is over?
Do you think I could forget,
forget your passionate touch?
That makes me laugh,
laugh with emptiness.
When will you understand
that I love you.
I hope someday that you
come back and then
find me gone.
Find me with someone else,
because you left me.
Blamed me,
blamed me for your pain,
sorrows and for mistakes.
I am tired of this bullshit,
bullshit of yours.
I hope you remember that
I cared for you,
and I was the one for you.
You’re now a piece of shit,
in my life.


Story about an ex of mine who used me and stuff.

#Breakup #ExHate #Love #Sad #Sorrow

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