
The Wounded

‘Thou canst not wish to live,’ the surgeon said.
He clutched him, as a soul thrust forth from bliss
Clings to the ledge of Heaven! 'Would’st thou keep this
Poor branchless trunk?' ‘But she would lean my head
Upon her breast; oh, let me live!’ ‘Be wise.’
‘I could be very happy; both these eyes
Are left me; I should see her; she would kiss
My forehead: only let me live.’-He dies
Even in the passionate prayer. ‘Good Doctor, say
If thou canst give more than another day
Of life?’ ‘I think there may be hope.’ 'Pass on.
I will not buy it with some widow’s son!’
‘Help,’ ‘help,’ ‘help,’ ‘help!’ ‘God curse thee!’ ‘Doctor, stay,
Yon Frenchman went down earlier in the day.’
Autres oeuvres par Sydney Thompson Dobell...
