

Thermos full.
Cold black coffee reflects little.
A swig of bitter awareness
I feel the void again
Eyes dilate
The blackness trembles in my hands
I reach for the water.
Hand stops.
Another swig of coffee.
Licorice black coats my tongue
The reminiscent disdain
Awareness heightens.
The water is pulled closer
A taste is a reminder
Sweet sustenance of salvation.
Voracious chugs
Eyes soften
Organs churn to life
Shutter stops.
My tongue dances around my lips.
I look up.
Devil-may-care smirk
Voracious chugs.
My muscles tighten and loosen
Vitality and virility revived
One more chug should do it.
Empty glass.
I stare at the thermos.
There are worse ways to survive.

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