
The Real Me That Wouldn't Come Out

The old me wouldn’t agree with who I became and who I am today.
She wouldn’t be happy with the way I let people treat me because that was never me in the pass.
She never cared about if she said something to someone, will it hurt they feeling or if they stop being her friend.
If you was a real friend then you was still there.
If you left, then you left.
It wasn’t a big deal.
She was who she was and spoke up to those who needed to be spoken to.
Now I wont say a word, I wont say a thing.
I keep it all inside as if I’m scared to be me.
You see I don’t know what is happen to me.
As I got older I got weaker but weak isn’t good.
I need to change that because I don’t want people thinking its okay and they can walk all over me.
You cant do what you want and anything to me.
You cant talk to me any kind of way.
You cant treat me how you want because it isn’t right and trust me it will come back
on you one day you will see.
Hopefully I be the one who do it back to you.
Till then I will be working on me, to make me to be a better me.
Who will stand up for myself when I need to be.
Hopefully you will still like me, if not I don’t think I will care by then.
By then I will be me, the real me .
The me that I was always .
The me that was hiding inside of me.


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