
Bitter Truth

Inspired By, Cheyenne and Bryce

Nothing lasts forever
People walk away
Feelings fade
Trust dies
Love is a lie
Its simply honesty
then why cry?
you hate how tough the truth
you hate how rough it is to live
so you blind yourself
you’re blinded from the world
and hidden in society
you cry when I state the fact that someday
he’ll walk away
you get mad when I tell you not to be sad
you talk behind my back while I speak to your face
I’m simply not fallen from grace because I leaped
I left you there to ponder my words
you won’t even look me in the eyes
because you know that I am aware that you’ll believe nothing but lies
I’m sorry but I won’t stoop that low
I won’t speak something just for show
I’ll speak nothing but the truth
the truth that stings like a bee
and cuts like a knife
but is also the only reason I exist in life
I’m here for one reason
and its to speak what many won’t
I speak the truth
the sour and bitter truth



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