
Am I Selfish

Longing for you...
Just a little longer... I wait
Prolonging the inevitable.
Feelings told yet we continue to live by “only time will tell”...
Am I selfish for wanting you?
Just a little longer... I wait, impatiently
Anxious, hungry and thirsty for you
For all you have to give
You ooze this subtle confidence... I can’t get you outta my mind
I mean nothing compares to the blissful thoughts I have of you... yes you reign my mind, I give in and you become my weakness I grow weaker but not weary... you intrigue me, you excite me...
Yes!I continue to long for you...
I ask again am I selfish for wanting you?
We’re separately-joint, maybe just joint but see my feelings I won’t deny
These feelings that make my hearts beat fluctuate, dumb struck and foreign to it all... I want more of it
Longing for you...
Am I selfish for wanting you?
Hindering circumstances... nevetheless I continue to want you
I continue to want to make you happy
I mean its all about our feelings right...
Am I selfish for wanting you?
For wanting to make memories that’ll last a life time and thereafter, that’ll never be erased
For wanting to hear you, see feel you
You’re existence gives meaning to mine
How can it all be so wrong yet feel so right?
Longing for you... wanting you
I guess I am selfish...

