
The suicide

She thought she could fit in;
She thought she was normal;
She never knew the world was so cruel;
Nobody knew how she felt;
Nobody knew how;
and insecure she was.
She cried every night;
She was unable to concentrate in class;
They tortured her;
She was afraid to go to school;
She wondered why this was happening to her;
She wondered if it will ever stop;
She thought this problem was relentless;
She was afraid to go on social media;
She knew there was another cruel message waiting for her;
She starts to think that maybe the taunts and insults were true;
She did not have anyone at home to tell;
She wanted to talk to someone but was not sure how to;
Her mood shift from loneliness to anger;
She felt trapped:
She thought no one understood.
She spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to make this end.
She found the solution;
She was GONE.


Suicide is never the solution to bullying. If you or someone you know is going through something like this talk to someone there is always someone who will understand.

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