
How can I convince you

How can I convince you I’m a woman,
Shall I grow my hair
Suck dick for cash
Pay for surgery
And become the plastic doll you want to fuck
How can I convince you I’m a woman
Shall I smile at you
Send you pink emojis
Smile pretty things and pretend I don’t exist
Shall I fuck you when your sad and tend to you until you’re ok
Become the perfect wife so your wounds are shrouded with my blood
How can I convince you I’m a woman
Shall I ravage my psyche
Looking for an explanation for my existence
Until I doubt my sanity
Hurting myself until I exhaust myself
Looking for an answer when there is none
How can I convince you I’m a woman
Maybe convince me you’re human
Ready to explore the world to the edges of its wonder

In response to a comment from a stranger calling me a paedophile


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