

To everyone who has eyes to see, and a heart to hear.

Unite under one flag!
They tell us everyday
That our country is free as a bag
Flowing in the wind at the bay
As the eagle flies with no lag
          So they say
Unite as one!
They always say
Because we all live under the same sun
But all I see is hate lay
Over us like a blanket keeping us as one
Unite in love and happiness!
They seem to yell
But this country is full of hatred and sadness
And everyday they ring the bell
It seems the world turns to hell
Unite Unite Unite!
They scream and they shout
Until the end of the night
Forcing us about
To be like them without a doubt
Unite under me!
It’s now on the TVs and radios
Like some buzzing bee
Almost like no one knows
That they are being controlled, you see?
Unite under one ruler!
Then you wont get killed
He’ll make things cooler
Once you get billed
Remember, he’s the ruler
Unite under the money!
For they greed in moneys name
To them it’s like honey
So sweet, So delicious, they can’t be tame
Around what they greed for, so they point to blame
Unite Unite Unite!
He’ll make you all fight
Each other for what you think is right
He’ll kill you by you killing yourselves
For corruption does not know the real meaning of unite

look to the government and see what corruption it has sought on our souls. all original

#Country #FightingUnite

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