
It's Raining

For someone special who has fallen on hard times!

It’s raining, it’s pouring,
I wish you were snoring
Snuggled with me in bed,
No worry in your head.
Feeling at peace,
wrapped in warm fleece.
Full of gratitude,
At the highest latitude.
As your life is in review,
remember all god has given you.
I wish I could make it better,
With one little letter.
Your struggles deep,
But one day you’ll reap.
Keep your chin up,
I feel it in my gut.
Everything will okay,
Worries will go away.
To good a man,
Never will you live in a van.
You may feel as though you fell from gods grace,
Soon you’ll find your place.
I hold you in the highest regard,
Even though times are hard.
I am thinking of you,
Doesn’t matter what I do.
I hope I made you smile,
Like a big fat crocodile!!
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