
A voice for the voiceless

By Tracey Crockett

Day in day out I watch and cry
As the animals on this planet die
Mankind has gone completely mad
It’s really, really, really bad
We do not need to kill and maim
It is not right, there is no shame
Why the need for so much slaughter
I think of the animals and their pain
The innocent creatures of the earth
Why don’t humans see their worth
What has happened to humanity
This heartless killing is insanity
Look into their soulful eyes
They just want to stay alive
They have a soul
They live and breath
They are sentient like you and me
I will use my voice
I will speak out
I’ll do my best to help them out
I will never, ever faulter
And hope that some day there will be no more slaughter

Other works by Traceu Crockett...
