
Dare to Dream

By Tracey Crockett

By design sleep is inevitable, when we sleep we let it all go,
We let go of our thinking our control and surrender ourselves to the world of slumber
Where dreams can take over and inhibitions fly out the window, dreams, unobserved by prying eyes and free from judgement
Where the subconscious conjures unrealistic scenarios. Weird and various buildings, old and new, warm and inviting, dark and insidious. Cats escape out tbe door,
later finding them in wire hanging baskets under a vine ladden trellis. Frantically being pursued and your moving in slow mo. Having tea in China but how did you arrive there. Being on a cruise in a vessel that differs little from your local community hall. Where pressed tin chairs resembling buttoned vinyl and laminate tables atop with floral covers and dusty silk flowers consume the space. Intimate encounters that would never be possible. Flying, spinning, in your wildest dreams comes to mind.

On waking dreams quickly slip away no matter how hard you try to re evoke them. Beggaring description and in the wake, feelings with no tether eddy in consciousness, elusive fragments that tickle the mind moments upon waking.

Don’t you wish you could record your dreams, flip a switch before you fall asleep and replay the next day. I bet there would be many box office hits imprisoned in dreams.

Daydreams; thoughts that skip from one to the next but don’t quite connect. Random, distant memories spring to mind yet failure to piece those memories and position them in order is obscure. Distractions from the mundane, futures not yet unfolded. Endless possibilities, potentials realised
Dare to dream

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