
Two Souls

Tracey Crockett

Free falling, travelling through time and space
Souls collide and interlace
Cosmic connection, love and affection
Ether meets water, earth, fire and air
Earth is inviting lets comet there
You be the ocean, I’ll be the sand
Feeling your wash, soothing the land
Under the canopy, a forest of green
I am the branches, you a light breeze
Ever so gently, whisper to me
Let’s be a rainbow arched in the sky
Colors so brilliant Red, orange, indigo, yellow and
Green, blue droplets of water, white light we’ll shine
I am horizon you’re the sun and the moon, merging at dusk and dawn of each day, a warm embrace full of sun and moon rays
You are the starlight falling to earth I am the night sky where your twinkle was birthed
We are the words in the songs that are sung
You are the delicate strings of the harp I am the music that flows from the heart
Where’re on a journey let’s dance and have fun
We’ll play here together and soak in the sun
Two soul traveling through time and space two souls emerge, beauty and grace two souls merging a karmic embrace
Our souls will grow and sing and dance, our journey will never end we’ll begin over and over again we’ll journey through time and space, forever, connected and interlaced.

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