
The Rich and the Poor

The Rich and the Poor

You can drive that fancy car,
Whilst I walk in the dreadful heat, or the drenched icy rain,
My feet burn, ache and pain each and everyday,
You drive past, you see me and you laugh,
It hurts, I hold my feelings in,
You can afford to study yet you mess with your education,
I’m yearning to study but I’m not fortunate as you,
You have designer clothes, shoes, glasses,
All I have are ordinary clothes, but I’m happy,
I’ve got clothes to cover my body,
You’ve got a mansion, I’ve got a simple house,
I’m happy I’ve got a roof over my head,
You’ve got thousands of rands to waste on alcohol and parties,
I’ve got a few rands to see to the bills,
You go out and eat at restaurants,
Whilst each day that goes by, I eat whatever I have,
You make mistakes and pay your way out,
I make mistakes and learn my lesson,
You speak rudely and abruptly to anyone and everyone,
I speak decently with much respect to all,
You think money can buy everything,
I think it’s a persons pure heart and intelligence that can earn you everything!!


This poem was written after hearing a story of my good friend,the hardship he had to face and they way he was disrespected ,money is not everything but ot is also true without it,one cannot survive! But that doesn't mean we should Ill treat unfortunate people to those most fortunate,to be alive is a gift,treasure it!

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