
Love's Whisper Revealed

In moments of gentleness. Sometimes in a torrent, in a rush, in waves. Sometimes a lightly floating feeling, like a leaf in Autumn swaying back and forth on the breeze, settling to the ground. Bursting forth in bloom, despite bitter cold. Budding forth from an unexpected place, a secret source. Growing with swiftness, astonishing vigor.

Strong, but imperfect. Nearly always easy to express, but impossible to express fully, perfectly. Perfection for me, despite the World, and it’s ideas.
Loyal, strong, a tower of strength. Her word is her bond, forever.

She leaves me numb in my ankles, and makes me tingle in my deep parts. All of my needs, more than my wants. My eyes an open book to my soul, for her. Freedom to tell, to visit the past, to embrace the future.

Life yet to be made. A sculpture, the shape of marriage. The curves of Eros, the solid foundation of Agape, the warmth of Storge, the bond of Phileo. All of these she gives to me, as I’ve never had, and always will.

Her giggle is a melody, and her smile is poetry, joyful prose.

She is light for me, a beacon, my home. Who would wander from home? I am sustained, and wholly fulfilled in the embrace she gives to me. My heart is flush, filled to over flowing. Yes, even my heart of hearts is near to burst by her provision. Of herself she gives all to me, holds nothing back.

I would give all of me for the price of her smile, her joy. She is deserving of no tears, nor sadness. Tender as the very fragrance of the new petal on a dew kissed rose is her very heart.

Ne’er shall the end of my sustenance be. Always we shall cling to that which we own, and never release one the other from the grasp we hold upon that one.

Where would one go, if not to his home? If not to his secret, safe, shadowy abode? Nothing else is anywhere for me, I say! There is no end, only this beginning of forever.

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