

Short story inspired by a friend and the great H. P. Lovecraft

“Tell me the story one more time John,” The Doctor requested nervously as his eyes remained fixed on the patient while his pen moved furiously trying feebly to record all that the man was telling him. John pleaded, “How many times do I have to relive it? I don’t want to see it again!” he was shaking, trembling even. John was a seasoned police detective of ten years, whose personal issues had landed him in anger management, he had seen almost every imaginable murder or atrocity and yet, here he sat in Dr. Willow’s office convulsing and writhing like a frightened child. “I know it was him, it was God,” John stated solemnly. The men paused a moment and simply looked at each other, not as doctor and patient, but as two men who have full faith in one another’s sanity would exchange fearful looks when faced with an impossible truth. John, unwillingly and with great horror, repeated the story one last time and the good doctor recorded every excruciatingly loathsome detail with painstaking clarity as John was a well-spoken and articulate man. This is the dream from John’s point of view.
I was floating, rather I was shapeless, I could tell that all I was going to do was watch and I was struck with this thought, “I am watching something ancient, older than time.” It was, I know it, much older than time, far before immensely powerful beings forced together ideas until they became consciousness. Before man had tainted the face of the Earth, further back than anyone could imagine. A being, with foul features but shaped like a man, stepped over the mountain I was watching and stood for a moment in an endless sea. It had a thousand eyes, powerful arms and claws, and it’s face, aside from the eyes, seemed solid and smooth as marble but upon further investigation I found it to be an enormous mass of slithering tendrils. It rumbled a deep growl and the ocean, the entire body of water, pulsed as if a billion explosions had just occurred underneath it’s murky surface. It then ceased movement entirely and sat dead still, in fact if I had not been awestruck by the sheer size of the being that had crossed my vision, I’d have thought the scene little more than a painting viewed too closely. No, I had seen the creature move, I had witnessed the endless sea pulse and die, this was happening now. The creature roared again and the ocean split, as if a drain had opened underneath it’s entire length, and the water was gone in seconds. It reached down and scrawled something into the flat oceanic stone left behind by the receding waters. “Jehovah, Allah, Pan, Zeus, God,” Were what it’s powerful talons embedded into the rock, then it looked straight at me, it knew I was there! It said without words in a voice a can’t describe, “I am your father, you exist because of me. Now watch, and know, and despair.”
As it finished the cryptic order something else caught my sight, another figure burst into view. It was bigger than the Creator, immensely so, it had only two eyes and glowed with a deep burning green, it carried four powerful arms each adorned with an immense claw where the hand should have been. As it came closer my terror grew tenfold, I saw now the face of the creature with brutal clarity and it’s mouth, dear mother save me, was filled with innumerable rows of razor-like teeth. The creator stood erect now and spoke in a language I could not understand, but a part of me understood. This approaching entity was the brother of my Creator and it meant harm for him. It never returned the Creator’s greeting, only flew into him with an indescribable ferocity. Tearing, clawing, breaking, bludgeoning, striking over and over again. Black blood littered the sea floor as the Brother raised my Creator high above his head. “WHERE ARE THEY?” it asked him with a voice that echoed with a million cries of suffering and torment. The Creator only shook his head and in that instant he was brought crashing down onto the knee of his brother. His body tore in half and sprawled onto the ground. Then the brother turned to me, “I AM SUFFERING, I AM DESTRUCTION ETERNAL. I WILL FIND YOU, YOU ALL WILL DIE.” Then I wake up in a cold sweat. He is looking for us, he’s going to find us, and when he does....
Just then the men are startled by a large rumbling outside, they rush to the window and look up at the night sky. The stars are going out, one by one, at an increasing speed. In minutes the sky is pitch and the ground is beginning to pulse.


This, as with most of my work, came straight off the top of my head. There was very little sitting and thinking, I just tap my imagination and see what comes out.

Autres oeuvres par Wjj...
