

By: Yiset Naizir

Desire is powerful.
It is the cause and effect of
Grammy and Golden Globes awards.
It is the electromagnetic force
That gives life to our
primitive body.
Desire is magical.
It makes your frontal cortex
shut down while you experience a pleasurable orgasm that makes you lose your mind.
When Julio Cortázar wrote
Erotic poems and they made you feel like you were his,
That was a result of desire.
When the weekend sings Often
And your mind migrates to another dimension,
That’s desire.
When Gabriel García Márquez
narrated in detail the passion with
which the slave made love to Bernarda
In “Of Love and Other Demons”
That was pure desire.
Desire is art, it is revolutionary.
It is a magnificent and
dangerous way to live.
It makes you feel.
Does not follow moral guidelines.
It’s courage.
It’s the one you see in a couple
Devouring their mouths
forming a single saliva.
Or that one that you enjoy when
you absorb the flavor of ripe fruit
while practicing cunnilingus.
It is why someone believe in Hedoism.
And the blush that gets my genitals
As a result of our meetings.
~ Yiset Peña

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