
Two Perfect Strangers I


You know every part of my body
My every curve, every inch of my skin
We share the same soul - same melody
We made our heart always sing
Then suddenly
all the lights were gone
Somebody. No... You -
stopped our song.
Now two perfect strangers -
you and me
We’ve been so close
but you decided to flee
You got so scared
and so terrified
You’ve closed your heart.
Thy love you defied
I never dreamed
that any barriers could rise
Or raft is ever see
the closest stranger in your eyes
I thought that our love
Was one of a kind
But this feeling
Made me so blind
And now hope is gone
This empty feeling inside
Even tho we still share our bond
I’ll push it away and throw it aside.


Messed up feelings and thoughts.
P.S. Will write another Perfect Strangers in the future.
So: to be continued...

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