
His Bucket List

The outer shell begin to break piece by piece and stone for stone,
He left me there alone.
I hear glass shattering in my ear yet I see no glass,
As I grip my chest and slide along the wall I can see he’s free at last.
His smile disappears and his actions have changed,
He’s leaving again.
My chest is hurting, tears are burning, butterflies has disappeared,
It’s happening again.
I grasp onto the ivory thread of his sleeve,
Hoping he’ll see my face.
Regretting his actions... he won’t leave.
I am on the ground, he pulled away.
Smiling at my pain
I lift my head up only to see him draw a line through his notebook.
I realized sooner that my heart was only a goal.
Knowing I’m no longer complete because he took a piece of me with him.
Closing my eyes fast asleep,
My dream has now become my reality.
He has broken my heart once again.
I was only just a goal.

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