
A Different Kind of Love

A Biography IV

In the corridor near the lift, we sit and see,
Two pigeons dancing, fine and free.
Beaks touch soft, a feathery sway,
Their love song fills the sunny day.
We watch them, their wings entwined,
And wonder why such love we can’t find.
The question haunts us day and night,
As we sit beneath the clear blue sky.
Will love like theirs, so sweet and free,
Remain a distant, wished prize?
Are we destined for a lonely sea
Or flirtatious words beneath the skies?
Perhaps love is a different song,
A melody of laughter’s beat.
We’ll find the path, where we belong,
And write the stanza, both warm and sweet.
The pigeons rise, a graceful pair,
Soaring high without care.
While we smile, we come to understand,
Our friendship is a love of our own.

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