Caricamento in corso...

Damaged goods

damaged goods.. yes damaged.. but still some good. My past has created a hard shell, for those around me to decide if they want to crack to fully understand. But to be quite honest they don’t try too. Damaged goods. Tossed aside, looked beyond, and never accepted.. maybe by few. I am not perfect, I carry with me the pain of many, yet my soul is nothing but pure. I’m damaged goods but I’m still some good. I smile on good days, and bad days too, but behind that smile is pain only I know, and hopefully I’ll trust someone enough so that they’ll know it too. So I can lift these burdens and know there’s nothing really wrong with me, and that I’m still a beautiful person, with a mind so different and and a smile so bright it’ll blind you. Damaged goods... but trust me, I’m still some good.

Altre opere di Aeri Lamar...
