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Joyful Sin

Joyful Sin
Come to me... tear my skin in pieces.
Warm my soul with your sweet kisses.
Undress my spirit, make me cry,
And take my essence to the sky.
Stroke my body from inside.
Embrace me until we collide,
In the softness of my core.
Deeper, deepest in me bore.
Drape my waist in your soft touch.
Make my body shake and lush.
Do as you please, I’m all yours.
Oh, my dearest pleasure source.
Lean on me... I feel the heat.
So close that your heart beat
On my breast hammers softly.
Come to me... in me... ferociously.
Reaching up the Heavens above,
As our bodies shake with love.
I rest my flesh over your skin.
Down on earth, the joyful sin.


#Erotica #Love

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