Caricamento in corso...

Her tyrannous life

To the demised Indian brides

She sat endowed in shimmer
Colours that shined bright
With dreams her eyes glimmered
Awaiting the commencement of her new life
With every step she took
She shed a tear in pain
For she knew she wont witness these walls again.
She is bereft her parents, her childhood and her memories
She is a women now
She got myriads of responsibilities
But as the dawn broke and sun came shining bright
She never contemplated she will be in such a sorry plight
Her fragility was taken as an advantage
Her soft words were of no use
When her esteemed self was exploited
That victimization by her inlaws, she just couldn’t elude
She wondered if money was all that meant
Or if she was just a source of income for them?
Is this sacred relation of marriage just a business oriented deal?
is her renouncement just in vain, she feels.
No money no life is what her in laws said
As she was.. Burned to death!
Her charred corpse laid on the floor
It was an end to the quandarious life she lead
She wasn’t the only one who died this way
She wasn’t the only one who’s worth was nil versus cash
These devils who slaughter innocent girls in the name of mortals
Now just let the devil elapse!
How eloquently do we talk about women empowerment
Yet we equate them with money in guise of rituals
How their powerful entity is lost into oblivion
Will there be a women ever, treated as an individual?
