Caricamento in corso...

The Lonely Leaf

Perhaps an eternal love it's almost impossible... But that depends on strengh...

It is a dark and cold winter night,
when all leaves from a strong but small tree,
near a mirror—like and calmed lake
have fallen from it’s branches, except for one; the lonely leaf
A young and fair lady, with brown hair that forms a neck of curls,
and has beateous eyes,
with soft, clean, and smooth skin hiding in modesty beneath her soft clothing,
and red lips, soft and perfect with a coquish smile drawn,
Sits below the lonely leaf
Expecting someone, for she is to meet her loved one
In this night there isn’t any silver moon,
nor flashing stars on Earth’s ceiling
She sings, a tranquil, owlish
but still peaceful lullaby
at the same time the leaf is watching:
“Come little leaf,
come near to me
don’t need to be scared
for I’m your friend
Come on little leaf
float down to me
for you will find
She then sat, un—aware of the leaf,
waiting for someone,
waiting for her love,
as the lonely leaf saw
As soon as a yellow sun starts to rise from behind the world’s floor
dew covers the grass, and sunlight slides over it,
and it’s warmed by a heat similar, but just for little,
to the heat of two lovers in contact, hiding in the warm of the other
A shadow, large and dark, slides throught the floor
following the strange siluet of the young lady,
and the small tree, irregular but familiar
creating a dark twin between the girl and the tree
The leaf is still watching as a feeling of desolation
covers and hides the heart that was once full of joy
and now is worried and sad,
And obscures it just like her shadow obscures the grass
A tear escapes her eyes and slides down,
wetting the cheek that was once warmed,
warmed by the lips she loves, those that kissed her so many times
And then she hears it...
She hears slow and deaf steps on the wet grass
announcing that someone is aproaching
She catches sight of him...
With his dark brown hair, clean and straight,
and those lost and thoughtful eyes,
painted in red by the tears that fell from them not so long ago
The leaf heard what had happened to the young man
The leaf discovers that it was a prohibited love
That not everyone was on their favor
That some of them interfiered in their love, their secret love
Then it hears him say:
“Do not worry, do not cry, do not be in sorrow, do not be afraid,
for as long as stroms and winters come, and wind blows strong
I will fight for us, struggle if I have to, just like that leaf”
“Winter doesn’t matter, the leaf is strong,
just like our love, it resists, just like my love
And keep in mind, I’ll never leave you
For I love you very much my dear”
The girl kiss him, with half sorrow and half calm
The boy kiss her back, reconforting her
and also protecting her,
and the leaf is witness of their love
After they left, the leaf swears:
No matter what happens,
I will be the symbol of those to lovers
and fight 'till dead comes
So Spring came and sun gave the leaf strenght
Then Summer, with heavy rains and stroms
Then Fall with the dead of others
and then the cold and unfeeling Winter
And this cycle continued through years to come
and it’s curious, the leaf grew stronger each time
and althought sometimes it felt weak
it never gave up on the love of those two persons
But one day, the leaf fell off the tree
It flew throught the air, and with the wind
It wasn’t dead, but confused
And then it left the air
It fell in a grave—yard,
and then it read the inscription of a tomb,
the names were imposible to read,
not for time but for the position on which the leaf was lying
But it could read something else:
“For the two of them,
which love lasted 'till dead
which love will continue after dead”
And so, the lonely leaf rested in peace


This story has a hidden meaning inside each verse

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