* La vaca, "the cow" in Spanish.
#Americans #Blacks #PulitzerPrize #Women #XIXCentury #XXCentury
My desire is always the same; wherever Life deposits me: I want to stick my toe & soon my whole body
To change the world enough you must cease to be afraid of the poor. We experience your fear as the lea… humiliations; in the past
The old men used to sing And lifted a brother Carefully Out the door I used to think they
Reminding us, as they witnessed our curiosity about them, that no matter the losses, there’s something fabulous going on at every stage of Life, something to let go of, maybe, but for d...
I will keep Broken things: The big clay Pot
Remember When we ended It all —for a weekend— & how
The tree of life has fallen on my small house. I thought it was so much bigger! But it is not. There in the distance I see the m…
Don’t be like those who ask for ev… praise, a blurb, a free ride in my… limousine. They ask for everything… anything in return. Be like those who can see that my…
Expect nothing. Live frugally On surprise. become a stranger To need of pity Or, if compassion be freely
If my sorrow were deeper I’d be, along with you, under the ocean’s floor; but today I learn that the oil that pools beneath the ocean floor
I Sing of Mumia brilliant and strong and of the captivity that few black men escape
Let other leaders Retire To play golf & write Memoirs
in our lifetime. Which makes the idea of elections Notice how this word has “man” right in the middle of it? That’s one reason I like it. He is right there, front and center. But he i...
Before I leave the stage I will sing the only song I was meant truly to sing. It is the song of I AM.
My brothers knew The things you know. I did not scorn learning them; It’s just my mind