Caricamento in corso...

Pain in vain

Closely we stood
With fear he smiled
Did it really happen?
I looked into his eyes
What i could see
Was a nigga with pride
He then smiled again
I slowly turned and left
I left him smilling
We were happy back then
Then one night he called
And then told me that its over
I laughed
I laughed only because i thought he was joking
Then a day after that
He called again
Told me the very same thing
I started to cry
Cried like nobodies business
I suffered months with loneliness
Tried to get up on my feet
Promised my heart to not love again
Then one night
As i was sitting on the stare case
He came crying
He cried and bagged me for a second chance
I looked into his eyes and yet again
I saw a nigga with pride
Who wasnt brave enough
Brave enough to move on
I then also started to cry
Thats only when i realized how much i missed him
Was it that difficult to forgive?
Or was it only because he hurt me
I kept on asking my self that
He kept nagging me
Called me day and night just to check up on me
I  asked him to comeover so that we could talk
It wasnt even a minute after he arrived
We started to kiss
How magical was that
I couldnt let go of him .
I know about love at first sight
But how do i explain what happened that night?
Pain in vain
Became love again

By : Alwande thabaneng

Altre opere di Nthabiseng Thabaneng...
