Caricamento in corso...

such similarities

I hope you understand this, It so hard to know what to say.  I can’t believe how similar we feel, I wanted to show you.
“people never know how hurtful something can be until it is done to them. they don’t understand how painful it can be to be torn from the only thing you ever cared for.”

I woke to find my baby was missing, the world suddenly cracked, nothing else exists but getting her back! Heart racing, sobbing tears, is she lost? Hurt? Was she kidnapped?  Is she ok? is she scared? Not able to hold myself together long enough to give a description. No possible future if she never returns....

“or the difference of when somebody has lust for another towards when somebody truly in love with someone.”

We both sit hear wanting the other to understand,  screaming in our mind "if he/she would just listen"  

“they do not care about other ones feelings as long as they get their way. as long as they have things the way the think they should be. without any consideration of the ones they hurt to get their way.”

A mirror reflection of how i feel,
"they do not care about my/our feelings as long as they get their way. as long as they can be together, the way they think it should be. without any consideration of the ones they hurt to get their way."

“they don’t care because they just know have the ability and they take advantage of it if they can. without ruining their reputation in the process. they will stalk and wait and wait for you to mess up. just that tiny little slip. then they will pounce on you without mercy.” I hate that you feel this way, I wanted this to work, I want to see you both happy, I hate having to do this, it would be much easier to throw my hands in the air and walk away, but I care if I didn’t I wouldn’t be sitting here investing time and energy in YOU.  

 "I am a good person. you just have to look past my flaws to see them. do not judge me from the outside perspective until you know from the inside out. in which i know all of you do not."
You ask me not to judge you,  and you slam the gavel on me.... I have judged it is true but can’t you see that it was your actions that were judged by me? We both want understanding, wanting to solve this problem.  It’s solution is no where to be found... but both sitting in pain tonight, just know your not alone.   

Altre opere di Anne...
