Caricamento in corso...


To Kamisha Nonamaker

When i think of you i feel like my soul is devoured,
by a demon that strongly drags me into a pit.
My broken heart left me so sour
but now i realize you just made me feel like shit,
i leave us to rest
knowing you werent even close to the best.
Because what is coming my way,
will leave me breathless and joyful
but with u felt like a never ending day
of sorrow that made me feel pitiful,
now realizing you being gone
is like a boulder remvoved from my spine.
As my eyes opened up you felt so wrong,
like a sadness that was only mine
so you leave from my life
and happiness i now can feel
knowing you wont be my wife
allows my broken heart to heal.


Altre opere di Aris...
