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The Cowboys Homing

Bill’€™s home ag’€™in from Europe, where he featured with a show,
But he don’€™t talk none about it '€” his words jest seem to flow
On the subject of home-comin’€™, and this glorious Southwest land,
Which talk, to all us people, is some hard to onderstand.
The stage-driver was tellin’€™ when he hit the sagebrush flat
That’€™s south of Cactus Center, Bill jest wept behind his hat,
And he nearly went plum dotty, his joy was so intense,
At the prairie dogs a-scoldin’€™ behind each wire fence.
When the driver stopped at Arid, fer a meal and fer a rest,
Bill pinned a sprig of cactus like a flower on his vest;
He couldn’€™t eat fer lookin’€™ at that endless, dreary plain '€”
I guess it makes men homesick fer to cross the ragin’€™ main.
So we let Bill kinder babble '€™bout these things we know so well,
And we’€™re all a-waitin’€™, patient, for the glories he will tell;
In a week or two he’€™ll see things like he hadn’€™t been away '€”
But the homin’€™ joy has got him on the locoed list to-day.
Altre opere di Arthur Chapman...
