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For the couple who danced under the rain

I saw to people dancing under the rain when I was drinking coffee

From window’s perch, I gaze upon the rain,
A couple twirls, their dance a graceful flight,
Each droplet’s touch, a love they can’t restrain,
In rhythmic steps, their hearts find sweet delight.
Alone within this room of whispered dreams,
Romance books line shelves, their tales untold,
As coffee’s warmth in solitude redeems,
I watch their waltz, a story to unfold.
In iambic rhythm, passions intertwine,
Their laughter echoes 'neath the stormy sky,
With every sip of coffee, love aligns,
A dance of souls where tender feelings lie.
Embraced by books and rain’s enchanting trance,
I sip and watch, lost in this fleeting dance.

Trying to practice more

#Coffee #Dance #Rain

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